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LT Shaped Air Shower

Complies with CE certification


Our L-Type and T-Type air showers are for cleanroom layouts where the equipment’s entrance and exit doors are not located across from each other.

The L-Type air shower will have its two doors perpendicular to each other.

While the T-Type air shower can connect up to three doors and serve as a common antechamber.

These versatile units are the preferred choice for cleanroom retrofitting and renovation projects.


  • Our air showers are equipped with DC brushless motors and LED lights, thus ensuring low-power consumption and lower operating cost.

  • AIRTECH’s space-saving design has enabled it to produce air showers with the smallest dimensions in the industry without compromising capacity and comfort.

  • Our air showers are deployed with a proprietary and patented pulse jet nozzle that is highly effective and efficient in removing unwanted particles and contaminants.

  • We look into every detail in designing our air showers; making sure form meets function. The best designs are then copyrighted and standardized, ensuring consistency across our products.

  • The Language settings of our air showers are easily customizable. Voice instructions of the unit can be easily changed to a language of your preference.

  • Our high-velocity exhaust system is capable of rapid decontamination and cleaning of the air shower after each use.

  • The equipment automatically goes on energy-saving mode when it is on standby.



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Linnanmäentie 3 05810 Hyvinkää
+358 40 0477 747

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